Mobile Tower Scraps:
Telecommunication technology is phenomenally increasing nowadays. There are 400,000 telecom towers in India at present. Latest technology built mobile towers have been installed frequently, this causes huge scrap. The older, damaged, broken or outdated mobile towers turn into a mass waste or scrap. The towers, masts and poles are made from aluminum, steel and stainless steel materials. Metals like aluminum or stainless steel can be recycled to produce new goods. The Prorecycling Ltd offers telecom industry All Type Mobile Tower Scraps services to the save environment. Instead of trashing the waste, you can have our professional waste management services to dispose of mobile tower scraps securely. Our team of experts generate scrap metal from old mobile towers. We also collect scrap or debris after installations of cell towers. So, if you need a professional and certified assistance for the scrap pick-ups at the installation site, then feel free to call us. Prorecycling Ltd uses state of the art mobile tower scrap recycling methods that are powered by disruptive technology. For telecom waste management, we provide cost effective and high efficiency solutions. Our company is dedicated to provide compliant, secure and transparent services.
Why Mobile Tower Scrap Recycle Not Trash?
The mobile towers consist of aluminum and stainless steel like metals. Dumping or disposing of the scrap metals from cell towers into landfills can cause hazardous affects to our environment. Harmful toxics are leached out of metal and contaminate land soil, groundwater level and air as well. So, trashing mobile tower scarp into landfills is not a best method. To reduce environment pollution, some small yet prevailing steps like Recycling and Reprocessing should be taken. By understanding our responsibility and being true professionals, we have come up with the smart scrap recycling services.
Presently, the increase in mobile towers in India has also created a large amount of scrap. To prevent these scraps to be illegally dumped into landfills, we have taken robust actions like to encourage every telecom industry whether public or private for scrap recycling and reuse. The reuse of metals helps to save resources and cut-off the cost of manufacturing new products. Recycle and reusing of metals, help to conserve and preserve the natural resources.
For recycling all type mobile tower scrap, we do collection, sorting, purification, processing, melting, cooling or solidifying of scrap metals. Prorecycling Ltd can recycle any type of mobile tower scrap namely Lattice Tower, Monopole Tower, Guyed Tower or Mast, Stealth Tower and more. We can collect all potential scrap from mobile towers or with their equipments like antenna or supporting applications
To get your quote, feel free to call us. You can also call us if you need any further consultation related to our scrap services.

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