IT Scrap – An Overview

So, what you do with your damaged USB cords, power cords or cables and other equipment’s wires? May be it is nothing but a trash for you! For Prorecycling Ltd, every scrap is valuable! The rubber coated aluminum and copper wire scrap can be recycled for producing various other types of new products. Metals like Copper and Aluminum can easily recycled and ideal for reuse purposes. The more we foster recycle processes, the best we can save environment! Domestic users, commercial services and industries can contact us for ALL TYPE WIRE SCRAP solutions. For any size of trash, you can call us for the collection.

  • Our company is a registered waste carrier and an approved authority of sustainable disposal and recycle management services.
  • We follow the standardized guidelines have been regulated for the IT and also other types of waste management.
  • Thorough inspect reusable equipments and non working equipment which can be recycled.
  • We serve various IT and Non-IT organizations looking for the prompt, trustworthy yet sustainable solutions.
  • Our company aims to recycle or reuse all your IT waste.
  • We do free collections of ALL TYPES IT SCRAPS.
  • Our company uses an eco-friendly method to dispose of all your redundant IT scrap.
  • All your important yet private data remain confidential and secure, as we do safe data destruction.


The Types of IT Scraps We Recycle

So, what you do with your damaged USB cords, power cords or cables and other equipment’s wires? May be it is nothing but a trash for you! For Prorecycling Ltd, every scrap is valuable! The rubber coated aluminum and copper wire scrap can be recycled for producing various other types of new products. Metals like Copper and Aluminum can easily recycled and ideal for reuse purposes. The more we foster recycle processes, the best we can save environment! Domestic users, commercial services and industries can contact us for ALL TYPE WIRE SCRAP solutions. For any size of trash, you can call us for the collection.

  • Computers
  • Monitors
  • Telecommunication Equipment
  • Keyboards
  • Printers
  • Servers
  • Drivers or Hard Drives
  • Network Cables
  • Laptops
  • Projectors
  • Circuit Boards
  • Mother Board, etc
Along with serving all sizes of IT or Non-IT firms, we provide our services to domestic clients too. So, even at your home if you have any type of broken, redundant or no longer working IT application; just give us a call. We provide quick collection services of an IT scrap no matter whatever its size and type or how old your IT waste is. Our company uses extensive yet environment friendly methods to recycle the waste IT equipments, successfully. The IT scrap and especially computers or laptops carry harmful toxins and carcinogens. These toxic substances are polychlorinated biphenyls, cadmium, chromium, dioxins, radioactive isotopes and mercury. All these harmful toxics are potential enough to create environment pollution. Consequently, through recycle and reuse, a large amount of IT waste can be prevented to be dumped into landfills.

By following processes like COLLECTING, SORTING or SEPEARATION, PROCESSING, MELTING, PURIFICATION and SOLIDIFYING; we make your IT scraps to be recycled and reusable once again for the betterment of our environment. So, have our ALL TYPE IT SCRAPS services to promote RECYCLE and REUSE of the technology. You can call us for a quick quote.

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